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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day Three: Expectant

Thought I would write this entry BEFORE my day gets started - an experiment to see if I am a morning person, one of those poor tormented souls who get up at "zero-dark-thiry" (as a former commanding officer I had in the Navy used to say... but I digress) to start their day with an inspiring time of quiet reflection. So here I am - quietly reflecting except for the ticky-tacky sounds of my keyboard as I peck away relatively effectively with two fingers of each hand and the occasional thumb thrown in whenever I am feeing ambitious and daring.
There! I have just managed to talk about nothing except what I am going to do, which I haven't done much yet. Ok - back to this blog thing.
Today - getting ready to head out to teach at another academy with my bride. I am so grateful the Homeschooled community is so vibrant and alive - as without them, 80% of my current income would be gone. Nada. Zillch. Zippo. I never set out to be a teacher of music. I was a Navy Musician 30 years or so ago, but then left music to be an electronics technician and then a LAN/WAN engineer. Approximately 10 years ago, having lost my lucrative engineering position, and after having lost my shirt (and all my money) in a failed videography venture, the only thing I could do to make a dollar was to try and teach teach guitar, which I had never done, and in fact was about 30 years removed from even PLAYING as a professional musician. It's like God said "Poof! You're a music teacher!".  So 10 years after that magical "Poof!" from the hand of my God, here I am. All dressed up, ready to go teach. It looks to be a good day.
Wow - this "quiet reflection" thing is a bit disjointed. Maybe I need more coffee. Yep. More coffee. then off to work. But coffee first. Burned bean juice. Java. Go-juice. Whatever you call it, I am getting me some!
Have a wonderful day. Maybe today will be the day God goes "Poof! You're a ________" to you. What a marvelous thing - to be "Poofed!" by our Maker.

Mr. G

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