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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 23: Understanding who you are.... really

Wow... been awhile, hasn't it? I guess the normal thing would be to start out by apologizing, but in truth, I am glad for the delay. Because I have had to sort through what I am going to share here. So if an apology is needed... I'm sorry.
This is a bit of a long read... but what I share here was vitally important for me in the process of finding out why I am here on this planet.

The last blog post was about discovering the spiritual gifts that God has implanted in each of us. The results of my tests have been that I have prophecy, teaching and administration happening for me. Now these gifts can be applied in almost any situation. Prophecy isn't about telling the future. Biblical prophecy is more "forth-telling" than "fore-telling". Prophecy is being able to speak God's mind into a situation - kinda like a "Thus saith the Lord" deal. Teaching and administration are pretty self-explanatory, they are pretty much what the words mean. People who have gifts like these in operation tend to really excel in these arenas. Lots of people teach, but those who have the spiritual gift of teaching tend to really take it to the next level, seemingly able to connect with just about anyone and to take incredibly complex subjects and make them understandable and doable. Same with administration. Life is full of administrators... but when God's version is implanted in someone they have an innate ability to really see the big picture and to order things in a way so as to fit into that picture. And they like it... no - they love it.
At the outset, the three gifts mentioned, teaching, prophecy and administration seem to be the perfect triumvirate for a preacher. In fact, many great preachers indeed have these three gifts operative. But just because you have these gifts happening in your life makes you a preacher? Not hardly. I tried to be a preacher. And a Worship pastor. And a Bible school teacher. On paper, qualified for all. In reality, not so much.
In addition to knowing the spiritual gifts residing in us, we also need to know who we are. What kind of person are we? What is our temperament? This is important.
Gary Smalley has a personality test he has devised. A copy of it can be found at  the following url:

In this test, we are on a path to discover if we are like one of four animals: Lion, Beaver, Golden Retriever or Otter.
Here is a summary of their characteristics; positive on the left side, and negative facet on the right.


Temperament Characteristics

Likes authority. ………………...Too direct or demanding
Takes charge……………….…..Pushy; can step in front of
Determined. …………………... Overbearing
Confident. …………………..…. Cocky
Firm ………………………...…...Unyielding
Enterprising. ……………..….... Takes big risks
Competitive. ……………….….. Cold blooded
Enjoys challenges. …….…..…..Avoids relations
Problem solver. ………….….... Too busy
Productive. ……….……….…... Overlooks feelings; do it now!
Bold. …………………….……... Insensitive
Purposeful; goal driven…..….... Imbalanced; workaholic
Decision maker. ………….….... Unthoughtful of others' wishes
Adventurous. ………………… .. Impulsive
Strong 'willed …………………...Stubborn
Independent; self reliant ……....Avoids people; seeking help
Controlling. ……………………...Bossy; overbearing
Persistent. ………………….….. Inflexible
Action oriented. ………………...Unyielding
"Let's do it now!"


Temperament Characteristics

Enthusiastic. ……………….…… Overbearing
Takes risks. …………………..… Dangerous and foolish
Visionary …………………….……Daydreamer
Motivator. ……………………..… Manipulator
Energetic. ……………………….. Impatient
Very verbal. ………………………Attacks under pressure
Promoter. ………………………… Exaggerates
Friendly, mixes easily…………… Shallow relationships
Enjoys popularity…………..….…. Too showy
Fun loving. …………………..…… Too flippant; not serious
Likes variety. ………………..…… Too scattered
Spontaneous. ……………….…… Not focused
Enjoys change. ………….……..… Lacks follow through
Creative; goes for new ideas. .…..Too unrealistic; avoids details
Group oriented. ………….….…… Bored with "process"
Optimistic………………….….……Doesn't see details
Initiator. ………………….….…….. Pushy
Infectious laughter……….….…… Obnoxious
Inspirational……………….…..…. Phony
"Trust me! It'll work out!"

Golden Retriever

Temperament Characteristics

Sensitive feelings. ……..…….… Easily hurt
Loyal. ………………………….… Misses opportunities
Calm; even keeled. ……….….… Lacks enthusiasm
Nondemanding ………….…...… Weakling; pushover
Avoids confrontations. .………… Misses honest intimacy
Enjoys routine …………….…..…Stays in rut
Dislikes change. ………….….… Not spontaneous
Warm and relational. …….….… Fewer deep friends
Gives in. ……………….……...… Co-dependent
Accommodating. …….…….…… Indecisive

Cautious humor. ……….….…… Overly cautious

Adaptable. ……………………..… Loses identity
Sympathetic. ………………..…… Holds on to others' hurts
Thoughtful. …………….………… Can be taken advantage of
Nurturing. …………….………..… Ears get smashed
Patient. …………………………… Crowded out by others
Tolerant. ………………….……… Weaker convictions
Good listener. …………………… Attracted to hurting people
Peacemaker. ………………….… Holds personal hurts inside
"Let's keep things the way they are."


Temperament Characteristics

Reads all instructions. ….….…… Afraid to break rules
Accurate………………….………. Too critical
Consistent. ……………….……… Lacks spontaneity
Controlled. ……………….……… Too serious
Reserved …………………………Stuffy
Predictable. ……………………… Lacks variety
Practical. ………………………… Not adventurous
Orderly…………………….……… Rigid
Factual…………………….…..….. Picky
Conscientious. …………….…..… Inflexible
Perfectionistic …………….………Controlling
Discerning. ………………….…… Negative on new opportunities
Detailed. …………………….…… Rarely finishes a project
Analytical. …………………………Loses overview
Inquisitive……………………...…. Smothering
Precise. ……………………..…… Strict
Persistent …………….………...…Pushy
Scheduled. …………………….… Boring
Sensitive. ……………………...… Stubborn
"How was it done in the past ?"

It's not enough to know you have a hammer in your toolbox. Does you no good if you are trying to build watches. Likewise  - if you have jewelers screwdrivers in your toolbox, it's kinda foolish to show up at a construction site expecting to get much done. And - to carry this analogy to its limits... if you love to work in the outdoors you will be miserable being an accounting temp. And if you absolutely LOVE working with numbers, being on a road paving crew won't be your cup of tea.

Throughout my life, I have been a sailor, electronics technician, communications engineer, LAN/WAN design engineer, worship pastor/leader and professional musician. But it has only been as a professional musician - as it currently is happening in my life - that I have found my niche. This square peg has found a square hole to plop down into. Why didn't the other jobs work out as well? Because my temperament wasn't really suited very well. I did well in all those other jobs, as my skillsets served me well in each of them. The difference is that today, I am in a place where all my spiritual gifts are used to their maximum, and my temperament is ideally suited. I know the tools that are in my toolbox, and I know where I am to be using them. I am an otter. And I am in a good place.
You have to know yourself.
So..... take a spiritual gifts test. Find out what tools God has put in the toolbox called your life.
Then take a personality test of some kind - like the Gary Smalley test. Understand more about who you are. With those two items under your fingertips, you increase your chances of being effective and fulfilled.
Mr G

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